Cass Sunstein, BHO's regulatory czar said this in his 2004 book, The Second Bill of Rights, "The absence of a European-style social welfare state is certainly connected with the widespread perception among the white majority that the relevant programs would disproportionately benefit African Americans (and more recently Hispanics)". Sunstein supports bringing socialism to the United states and even supports full on communism. Please read the following article. http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=112243 it will show who he is.

Now lets look at Van Jones. Who is he and what was his relation to BHO? The easiest explanation is that he is an activist selected by BHO to be his special advisor for Green Jobs. He believes along with every other left wing radical that the green agenda is going to solve all of our countries problems. Too bad it would help bancrupt the country along side socialized health care. This guy has done and said some interesting things, enough to make him step down as BHO's special advisor. Vans Jones is a communist at heart. He graduated from Yale Law School, was involved with Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement (STORM) who were committed to a Marxist revolution and at the same time protested police brutality and started a Bay Area Police Watch that was a hotline for victims claiming police abuse. He focused on trying to bring down the police instead trying to work with them to reduce any problem. He was arrested in 1992 with others during a protest after the Rodney King verdict. He has started several other groups including Color of Change to help strengthen Black American's political voice. That is fine, if he wasn't a communist. I agree, starting groups to get more of a political voice is good, but Van Jones is a communist. This is the tip of the ice berg for this guy. I will be posting information about each of BHO's czars so you can see his real agenda. Feel free to comment and debate in a peaceful manner. I am open. I just want this information out there for others to see.
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